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Англо-русский строительный словарь - rail


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Перевод с английского языка rail на русский

рельс поручень лежень; лага; опорный брус оконная или дверная перемычка брусок; раскладка направляющая arris rail balcony rail belt rail bottom rail breast rail bull-headed rail check rail closure rail conductor rail contact rail continuous welded rail conveyor rail crane rails current-collecting rail door rail elevator guide rails gantry rails guard rail guide rail hand rail heated towel rail high rail inner rail junction rail knuckle rail lead rail live rail lock rail meeting rail one-piece guard rail outer rail of a curve pedestrian guard rail point rail screed rail sheeting rail side rail sight rail single rail switch-point guard rail third rail top rail vertical meeting rail wing rail
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См. в других словарях

  1) направляющая 2) рельс 3) шина – power rail ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) барьер 2) брусок 3) леер 4) леерный 5) направляющая 6) нить рельсовая 7) планширь 8) рельс 9) рельса 10) рельсовой 11) рельсовый draw-bridge rail lock — запор рельсов разводного моста insulated rail joint — ж.-д. стык изолирующий rail drilling machine — рельсосверлильная машина rail joint gap — зазор рельсового стыка self-propelled rail car — тех. автовагон thread guide rail — направляющий брус - bobbin rail - bolster rail - lifter rail - rail base - rail bond - rail car - rail center - rail chair - rail contact - rail gauge - rail interchange - rail joint - rail junction - rail length - rail lock - rail movement - rail point - rail shoe - rail stanchion - rail steel - rail straightener - rail support - rail tongs - rail track - rail turner - rail web - rain rail - towing rail - travel by rail - traverse rail ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  токопроводящий рельс; контактный рельс ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  орнит. пастушок (Rallus); pl пастушковые (Rallidae) – bare-eyed rail – Bensch's rail – black rail – chestnut-bellied rail – chestnut-headed rail – clapper rail – dotted rail – gray-throated rail – green-billed rail – Halmahera rail – Henderson island rail – inaccessible rail – inept rail – king rail – Lord Howe wood rail – marsh rail – New Guinea flightless rail – ocellated rail – pygmy rail – sooty rail – uniform rail – weka rail – white-browed rail – white-throated rail – yellow rail – Zapata rail ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. обыкн. pl. ограда, изгородь to force to the rails —- прижимать (лошадь) к ограде (во время скачек); прижимать к стене (кого-л.); поставить в невыгодное положение (кого-л.) 2. поручень, перила 3. мор. леер 4. поперечина, перекладина 5. рельс third rail —- ж-д. третий (контактный) рельс off the rails —- сошедший с рельсов; выбитый из колеи, дезорганизованный; сбившийся с пути 6. разг. железная дорога; железнодорожный путь; рельсовый путь by rail —- по железной дороге; поездом free on rail —- ком. франко-вагон rail junction —- железнодорожный узел, узловая станция rail terminal —- конечный пункт железной дороги rail mileage —- протяженность рельсового пути в милях rail tongue —- ж-д. остряк, перо стрелки 7. полоса, брусок; рейка 8. вешалка (в виде закрепленной рейки) towel rail —- вешалка для полотенца 9. pl. бирж. железнодорожные акции (также rail shares) Id: thin as a rail —- худой как щепка Id: to ride on a rail —- ам. вывалять в дегте и перьях и вывезти из города 10. обносить перилами, оградой, изгородью; огораживать (часто rail in, rail off) they railed in part of the pasture —- они отгородили часть пастбища the garden was railed off from the road —- со стороны дороги сад был обнесен оградой 11. прокладывать рельсы 12. перевозить, посылать, отправлять по железной...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  mill рельсопрокатный стан RAIL I  1. noun  1) перила; ограда; поручни  2) рельс  3) железнодорожный путь; by rail - по железной дороге - off the rails  4) поперечина, перекладина; рейка, брусок  5) вешалка  6) pl.; comm. железнодорожные акции  2. v.  1) обносить перилами, забором, отгораживать (обыкн. rail in, rail off); The garden was railed off from the road. The farmers railed in their cattle and their land.  2) перевозить или посылать по железной дороге  3) прокладывать рельсы II v.  1) ругаться, браниться  2) ругать, бранить; жаловаться, сетовать; Its no good railing against/at/on fate. III noun водяной пастушок (птица) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a level or sloping bar or series of bars: a used to hang things on. b running along the top of a set of banisters. c forming part of a fence or barrier as protection against contact, falling over, etc. 2 a steel bar or continuous line of bars laid on the ground, usu. as one of a pair forming a railway track. 3 (often attrib.) a railway (send it by rail; rail fares). 4 (in pl.) the inside boundary fence of a racecourse. 5 a horizontal piece in the frame of a panelled door etc. (cf. STILE(2)). --v.tr. 1 furnish with a rail or rails. 2 (usu. foll. by in, off) enclose with rails (a small space was railed off). 3 convey (goods) by rail. Phrases and idioms off the rails disorganized; out of order; deranged. over the rails over the side of a ship. rail fence esp. US a fence made of posts and rails. rail gun an electromagnetic projectile launcher used esp. as an anti-missile weapon. Derivatives railage n. railless adj. Etymology: ME f. OF reille iron rod f. L regula RULE 2. v.intr. (often foll. by at, against) complain using abusive language; rant. Derivatives railer n. railing n. & adj. Etymology: ME f. F railler f. Prov. ralhar jest, ult. f. L rugire bellow 3. n. any bird of the family Rallidae, often inhabiting marshes, esp. the corncrake and water rail. Etymology: ME f. ONF raille f. Rmc, perh. imit. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Anglo-French ~le, reille bar, rule, from Latin regula straightedge, rule — more at rule  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a bar extending from one post or support to another and serving as a guard or barrier  b. a structural member or support  2.  a. ~ing 1  b. a light structure serving as a guard at the outer edge of a ship's deck  c. a fence bounding a racetrack  3.  a. a bar of rolled steel forming a track for wheeled vehicles  b. track  c. ~road  II. transitive verb  Date: 14th century to provide with a ~ing ; fence  III. noun  (plural ~ or ~s)  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Middle French raalle  Date: 15th century any of numerous wading birds (family Rallidae, the ~ family) that are of small or medium size and have short rounded wings, a short tail, and usually very long toes which enable them to run on the soft mud of marshes  IV. intransitive verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French ~ler to mock, probably from Old French reillier to growl, mutter, from Vulgar Latin *ragulare to bray, from Late Latin ragere to neigh  Date: 15th century to revile or scold in harsh, insolent, or abusive language  Synonyms: see scold  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (rails, railing, railed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A rail is a horizontal bar attached to posts or fixed round the edge of something as a fence or support. She gripped the hand rail in the lift. N-COUNT: oft supp N 2. A rail is a horizontal bar that you hang things on. This pair of curtains will fit a rail up to 7ft 6in wide. N-COUNT 3. Rails are the steel bars which trains run on. The train left the rails but somehow forced its way back onto the line. = track N-COUNT: usu pl 4. If you travel or send something by rail, you travel or send it on a train. The president traveled by rail to his home town. N-UNCOUNT: oft N n 5. If you rail against something, you criticize it loudly and angrily. (WRITTEN) He railed against hypocrisy and greed... VERB: V against/at n 6. see also railing 7. If something is back on the rails, it is beginning to be successful again after a period when it almost failed. (JOURNALISM) They are keen to get the negotiating process back on the rails... PHRASE 8. If someone goes off the rails, they start to behave in a way that other people think is unacceptable or very strange, for example they start taking drugs or breaking the law. They’ve got to do something about these children because clearly they’ve gone off the rails. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a bar that is fixed along or around something, especially to stop you from falling  (Mrs Kellow held tightly onto the rail as she climbed the stairs.) 2 a bar that you use to hang things on  (a clothes rail | a towel rail fixed to the bathroom door) 3 one of the two long metal tracks fixed to the ground that trains move along 4 travelling by train  (I prefer to go by rail. | rail travel) 5 go off the rails informal to start behaving in a strange or socially unacceptable way  (At 17 he suddenly went off the rails and started stealing.) ~2 v 1 to enclose or separate an area with rails + off/in  (The police railed off the area where the accident happened.) 2 formal to complain angrily about something, especially something that you think is very unfair + against/a  (railing against injustice) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  transport. abbr. Runway Alignment Indicator Lights network. abbr. Random Array Of Independent Libraries NASDAQ abbr. RailAmerica, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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